Nosov Magnitigorsk State Technical University preconized “KONSOM GROUP”

Nosov Magnitigorsk State Technical University preconized “KONSOM GROUP”

The rector of Nosov MSTU thanked “KONSOM GROUP” for taking part in WorldSkills University qualifying championship holding. WorldSkills International (WSI) is the international non-commercial company which mission is raising the status and standards of professional training and skills development around the globe. It is also promotion of work skills holding international competitions. Association was found in 1953 and today 77 Member countries take part in the association activity. The mission of Nosov MSTU championship is the authority raising, acknowledgment of qualified experts, demonstration of values, professional skills, achievements, development and personal success. It is a competition for young specialists and Nosov MSTU is one of the first Universities of the region which ventured upon the experiment of the private university qualifying championship holding. Science and educating are the one of the priority directions of “KONSOM GROUP” and that is why a faculty of System integration at the Institute of power engineering and automated systems was established on the enterprise base in 2014. “KONSOM GROUP” as a permanent Nosov MSTU partner takes an active part in scientific and public life of the University.