8 800 350-5354 Регионы
+7 495 268-0548 Москва
One type of supervision services provided by the project author and other designers with the aim to ensure compliance with the design documentation
Supervising to make sure the project is implemented as agreed
Making necessary corrections or changes to the design documentation
Advising to the Customer
Performing additional work (upon agreement)
Keeping a supervision log
The head of industrial cyber physical systems department +7 (982) 300-01-31
This Privacy Policy of personal information (hereinafter — Policy) applies to all information which the legal person CJSC “KonsOM SKS” (PSRN: 1027402173050, Taxpayer’s No 7445015325, Legal Address: 455008, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region, Russia, Zhukova Str., 13) and/or his affiliated persons, can get about user during his using the site им сайта CJSC “KonsOM SKS”. Using the site means user’s unconditional acceptance with the Policy and described therein processing conditions his/her personal information in accordance with the legislation in force in the RF. In case of disagreement with these conditions the user should refrain from using this resource.
1.1. Within the context of the Policy “The Privacy Policy of personal information” is:
1.1.1. Personal Information that a user provides about himself independently at registration (creating an account) or during using of the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS”.
1.1.2. Data that are automatically transferred to the Portal in the process of using it is installed on the user’s device software, including IP address, information from the user’s browser (or another program, which is used to access the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS”), access times, requested page address.
1.1.3. Data that are provided the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” in order to implement service delivery /works and/or sale of the goods and/or providing other values for the sites users according to the resource activity:
1.2. The Policy applies to the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” only and do not control and is not responsible for the websites of the third parties, where the user can follow the links, available on the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS”. The other user’s personal information can be collected or requested and any other acts can be performed.
1.3. All the trademarks using on the site belong to their owners. Using the logos he site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” lead in no way economic or any other benefits of using them. graphic and text elements of trademarks are used for information purposes only and could be removed with the complaint by the right holder.
1.4. When processing personal data of users, the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” is governed by the Federal Law No. 152-FZ of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data” from 27.07.2006.
2.1. The site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary to provide services/works and/or the sale of goods and/or other values for visitors to the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS”.
2.2. The user’s personal information can be used for the following purposes:
2.2.1. Identification of the party in the context of agreements with the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS”.
2.2.2. Providing the user with personalized services, goods and other valuables.
2.2.3. Communication with the user, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the use of the site, the provision of services, as well as the processing of requests and applications from the user.
2.2.4. Improving the quality of the site, the convenience of its use, the development of new products and services.
2.2.5. Conducting statistical and other studies based on the data provided.
2.2.6. Transfer personal information to third parties to implement the activity of the resource (for example, courier delivery, transport company and others).
3.1. The site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” stores users personal information in accordance with the internal regulations of the specific service.
3.2. In respect of user’s personal information is kept confidential, except in cases of voluntary provision by the user of information for public access unlimited number of persons.
3.3. The site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” has the right to transfer user personal information to third parties in the following cases:
3.3.1. The user expressed his consent to such actions, by consent expressed in providing such data.
3.3.2. Russian or other applicable legislation within the statutory procedures provides the transfer.
4.1. The user can at any time change (update, supplement) the personal information or part of it, as well as the parameters of its confidentiality, leaving the application to the Website administration:
4.2. The user can at any time withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data, leaving an application to the site administration:
5.1. The site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions with it by third parties.
6.1. The site CJSC “KonsOM SKS” has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. When making changes to the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new edition of the Policy shall come into force from the moment of its placement at the site CJSC “KonsOM SKS”, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Policy. The current version is on the page at: /en/about-us/privacy-policy/
7.1. All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be directed to Email address: cmo@konsom.ru
The date of the last update of the document: 31.07.2017.